The three yokai (supernatural creatures) Bem, Bela, and Belo, who travel to a huge coastal city, encounter an awful atmosphere that has been produced on by immoral human behavior and mischief committe...

5.90 6.05 417


6.70 7.22 383

The year is 2006, and the world is shaken by a string of seemingly random terrorist acts. Known as "Algernon," regular individuals experience mental breaks and start killing those around them, frequen...

6.80 6.60 480

"Beyblade" is an anime series based on the line of spinning-top toys of the same name. The series follows the journey of Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya in the Japanese version), a passionate and talent...

6.80 6.74 492

"Beyblade Burst" is an anime series and a part of the larger "Beyblade" franchise. It follows the journey of Valt Aoi, a passionate Beyblader who aspires to become the world's top Beyblade player. He'...

6.40 6.44 578

"Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle" is a continuation of the "Beyblade Burst" series and the seventh season of the "Beyblade Burst" anime. This series follows the competitive adventures of main protagoni...

8.40 6.18 587

At Spain's BC Sol, legendary blader Valt Aoi has been educating the next generation of elite bladers. Dante Koryu and Delta Zakuro, two inexperienced Bladers, once saw Valt unleash his recently evolve...

6.10 6.14 592

"Beyblade Burst Sparking," known as "Beyblade Burst Superking" in Japan, is the fifth season of the "Beyblade Burst" anime series. The story follows two main protagonists, Hikaru and Hyuga Hizashi, wh...

8.20 6.60 544

"Beyblade Burst Turbo," known as "Beyblade Burst Super Z" in Japan, is the third season of the "Beyblade Burst" anime series. This installment introduces a new protagonist, Aiger Akabane, a young and ...

6.40 6.44 605