In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac is unique as the sole human among them. Lacking the fangs, fur, or scales that define the inhabitants, she is labeled "Faceless" and lives...
160On a planet infused with Astral power, controlled by astral mages, the "Empire" oppresses those who can wield this energy, fearing its potential for destruction. In response, persecuted mages formed t...
6.40 582Jun Shirasaki and the Jinguuji sisters are childhood friends and neighbors. When Jun's first girlfriend, the older sister Rumi, breaks up with him, she says something that complicates the three people...
6.68 155Floating in a distant ocean is an island known as "EGU Island," where the only form of entertainment is the enchanting performance of the songstress, "End of the World." Her singing captivates the isl...
125An adventure in another world with cute girls by your side and video game-like powers--sounds like an anime fan's dream, right? Not so for melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who would quite literally pre...
7.23 6.66 607Introducing Masaki, the former member of the hit NewTuber group Harikiri Sisters. After a surprising career setback—getting fired live on stream—she teams up with Live, a partner with extraordinar...
6.44 7.04 199A god unexpectedly finds himself bowing before Kayano Takumi, having been mistakenly killed and unable to be reborn. However, the god offers Takumi the chance to live in a different world. Due to anot...
7.12 6.77 326Twenty-year-old Yuki Tanaka, a former wage slave, is now living her dream working for Live-On, one of Japan's top VTuber companies. As the elegant and reserved Awayuki Kokorone, she struggles with a l...
7.66 7.24 206Ja Wangnan is stuck on the 20th floor, unable to progress despite numerous attempts. His determination never wavers, and he continues to strive for success. Along his journey, he encounters a formidab...
7.11 7.55 300"The feeling of wanting to cheer someone on... where does it come from?" The story revolves around six high school girls from Gunma, each with unique hobbies, skills, and personalities. Despite the...
6.66 6.76 210Kobato, having endured a challenging past with deduction activities known as "wisdom work," is determined to live a simple and humble life. He secretly partners with his classmate Osanai, who shares h...
7.11 7.56 234Will Serfort dreams of fulfilling a promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, a prestigious magician at the Wizard's Tower. Unfortunately, he struggles with even the most basic spells,...
7.44 8.12 244