The story follows a group of retired superheroes in an alternate version of America in 1985. This alternate history explores their lives and struggles as they navigate a world that has moved on from...
7.50 142The manga follows the story of Mira, the leader of an evil organization bent on conquering and destroying everything. As Earth comes under attack, a magical girl named Byakuya Mimori rises to challeng...
7.12 7.51 119Dali Delico, a distinguished aristocrat from the prestigious Delico family and a high-ranking member of the Blood Pact Council, is expected to fulfill a crucial mission assigned by the vampire governi...
6.23 7.01 148Fed up with being judged for her appearance, middle schooler Lim Jugyeong turns to makeup to transform herself. Starting with BB cream, lip tint, and eyeliner, she soon adds mascara, double eyelid g...
5.66 6.41 227Welcome to Gotham City, a place where crime reigns and law-abiding citizens live in perpetual fear. Out of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne transforms into something both greater and lesser than...
7.00 242Asa and Kame strike up an immediate friendship when they arrive at the same time for their first day of duty at the Ooku, the splendid pleasure palace housing the harem of Lord Tenshi. The two young w...
642Kite Man, a minor villain in Gotham, dives into a series of criminal escapades to realize his dream of owning Noonan's, Gotham's grittiest dive bar. Juggling his various heists and schemes with his am...
7.30 227In a world where humans once triumphed in a great war, Kai serves as the guardian of sealed crypts holding their vanquished enemies. However, when “World Rebirth” alters history, Kai finds himself...
8.30 8.40 237Kazuhiko Nukumizu, who sees himself as a mere "background character," inadvertently witnesses his well-known classmate Anna Yanami being turned down by her childhood friend. This incident leads Kazuhi...
6.77 8.18 163Prince Kinnikuman, once mocked as a worthless Chojin from the distant planet Kinnikusei, was unexpectedly granted the chance to compete in the Chojin World Cup. Against all odds, he won the championsh...
5.77 6.46 179In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and his leg in an accident some years earlier, returns ...
7.12 7.42 599