Yuuhi Yuugure and Yasumi Utatane, two high school voice actresses attending the same class, co-host a weekly radio show. Despite appearing to be close friends on-air, they are polar opposites in reali...
6.77 7.10 278Sumireko Ogawa is a curvy bookstore clerk with dreams of becoming a novelist after experiencing some writing success in her youth. When bizarre events begin to unfold around the city, she joins forces...
7.00 7.12 557"My wish as champion is for you to descend the tower and be my wife." Climbing a deadly tower, Oscar seeks the power of its master, the Witch of the Azure Moon. He hopes her incredible magic can break...
7.80 7.39 491Masaki Fujiyoshi is a stay-at-home spouse and parent who struggles with feelings of being a burden to his caring husband, Hiromu. This stems from his status as an omega, a secondary gender that allows...
8.20 7.37 302Every year, the magical kingdom of Klyrode summons hundreds of heroes from other worlds to battle the Dark One and his demonic army. Banaza, an ordinary merchant from the Royal Capital Paluma, is one ...
6.77 7.02 287The story takes place in a rural town where youkai, humans, and gods coexist in ordinary, everyday lives, filled with warmth and occasional mystery. One summer, Buchio, a twenty-year-old cat, unexp...
6.44 7.06 411Shouzou and Ine Saitou have enjoyed a blissful marriage for as long as they can recall. Even in their advanced age, their love remains unwavering, evident in their precious connection. Unexpectedly, o...
6.88 7.19 359In a distant past, an unknown force, simply called the "Unknown," emerged unexpectedly. As a response to this danger, the "Super Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" created the "Shinkalion," a ro...
5.12 5.77 380The city's educational institutions are divided into distinct districts and operate largely autonomously. A central governing body, the General Student Council, oversees the academies collectively. Ho...
5.40 7.51 234Mito Yamamoto, a homeless and unemployed individual, experiences a familiar sense of isolation and hopelessness. His misfortunes continue when he accidentally cuts his hand at a cafe. A peculiar waitr...
7.00 6.19 265