The program features a variety show reminiscent of vaudeville or music hall performances, along with behind-the-scenes insights. Kermit the Frog takes on the role of a showrunner, attempting to manage...

7.00 7.50 102

"Magne Robo Gakeen" (also known as "Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen" or simply "Gakeen") is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan from 1976 to 1977. The series is part of the super robot genre and w...

7.10 6.15 458

The show is similar in format to Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo and focuses on four adolescent friends who run the private investigation agency, Clue Club, from Larry's suburban home. The team includes La...

7.60 6.30 90

A colossal, mysterious monster known as Dragosaur emerges from the ocean depths, posing a threat to the world. A team of super-robots from Japan, consisting of Grendizer, The Great Mazinger, and Gette...

7.02 261

The inhabitants of the planet Campbell made the decision thousands of years ago to leave their home and look for new planets to settle. One crew, under the direction of the scientist Oreana, landed on...

7.80 6.68 550

The narrative followed the conflict between the crew of the semi-transformable carrier Daik Mary and the Dr. Daimonji-created Super Robot Gaiking against an alien invasion force known as the Dark Horr...

7.60 6.61 499

Based on a brief passage from the Italian author Edmondo de Amicis' work Cuore, Marco is a little child who lives with his father Pietro in Genoa, Italy. However, Marco's mother left for Argentina abo...

7.30 7.43 463

The Widow Douglas adopts Huck at the conclusion of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer as payment for saving her life. The widow tries to "civilize" the newly wealthy Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Fi...

6.19 723

Because Vegatron, a potent radioactive ore, has been exploited, the Vega homeworld has grown unstable. The cruel King Vega releases his forces, which are made up of flying saucers and enormous robotic...

8.40 7.55 391

The discovery of a Bronze Bell from an ancient civilisation leads to the murder of Hiroshi Shiba's father, a talented car racer. Queen Himika, who hails from that bygone era's Yamatai Kingdom and has ...

8.00 6.97 527

Dr. Kieta, the creator of a time-travel device, accidentally travels to the Paleolithic era while testing it out. His youthful helpers are shocked to see a parrot in the cockpit when the time-space cr...

7.50 6.47 438

Sinbad is a little child and the son of a well-known Baghdadi businessman. Sinbad particularly enjoys listening to his uncle Ali's tales of misadventure because Ali has brought Shera, a strange talkin...

7.80 7.19 519