The core narrative centers on Flash and his allies as they journey to Mongo, where they are compelled to fight against its tyrant, Ming the Merciless, his daughter Princess Aura, and his Metal Men arm...
6.70 6.90 97Tetsuro Hoshino, orphaned by the Cyborgs, lives in a slum in the shadow of their megapolis. He steals a pass for Galaxy Express 999, and is saved by a mysterious woman called Maitre, a living image of...
7.04 167Tetsurou Hoshino is a boy bent on obtaining an immortal mechanical body in order to take revenge against his mother's murderer, the machine man Count Mecha. However, due to the incredible cost of obta...
7.12 7.63 214The esper development program is housed in the crowded with students Academy City, which is at the cutting edge of scientific development. The seven "Level 5" espers are the most powerful ones in Acad...
477For Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan with a great imagination and a quick temper, life is not easy. She unexpectedly ends up being taken to the Cuthbert home in Avonlea. Marilla and Matthew Cuthber...
7.70 7.72 608Isabelle Laustin, a 15-year-old girl, is the main character. She is joined by her parents Leon and Marie, her friends Jean and his sister Marie, and her suitor, Captain Victor. After Napoleon III's...
5.57 6.90 518Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム, Kidō Senshi Gandamu), also known as First Gundam, Gundam 0079, or simply Gundam 79, is a televised anime series created by Sunrise. Directed by Yoshiyuki...
7.30 6.10 97The earth was once saved by an extraterrestrial giant of light known as Ultraman, but he later disappeared. Shin Hayata, the human host of Ultraman, lost all memory of his previous life as a hero. Shi...
7.30 6.45 390Ten-year-old Nobita Nobi, a Japanese schoolboy, is friendly and trustworthy but also slow, unlucky, weak, struggles academically, and isn't very good at sports. One day, Nobita's descendants send Dora...
8.00 7.77 536The year is 1995. The Akron, an alien force from the Saar cluster, has taken control of Earth. The survivors now reside in harsh shanty towns and villages because Earth's cities have been devastated. ...
7.40 6.61 479Plant spirits and beings that resembled fairies once coexisted peacefully with humans. The plant spirits moved to a new planet they called the "Flower Star" as mankind started to evolve toward greed a...
7.50 6.91 462