What-a-Mess is a beloved series of children's books created by British comedy writer Frank Muir, with illustrations by Joseph Wright. The story centers around the title character, a scruffy and accide...
6.10 7.10 70Casper and his friend Hairy Scarey are living in a house that is scheduled to be demolished on Christmas Eve. They decide to go out and find a new home in California after the holidays. Meanwhile, Yog...
6.70 6.60 98Arsene Lupin III discovers that the spoils from his latest casino robbery are actually "Gothic Bills," legendary counterfeits that are nigh impossible to distinguish from genuine bills. Together with ...
4.56 5.67 276Casper attempts to disguise himself as a human child in order to go trick-or-treating. However, his ghostly roommates keep scaring away everyone Casper tries to get candy from. Frustrated, Casper enco...
5.90 5.70 146Nell is a small child who resides in London with her grandfather, Mr. Trent, who runs a store. He has to depart with Nell since he was unable to repay a loan he made. They make the decision to look fo...
7.10 6.26 497The planet Gotham, located roughly 30 light years from Earth, was on the verge of oblivion in the year 2052 when a roaming black hole was poised to swallow up its sun and the entire planetary system. ...
7.70 6.52 497The Austrian Empire sends Princess Marie Antoinette to France to be married to Crown Prince Louis XVI at a time when social inequality and tensions among the underprivileged populace are on the rise. ...
8.33 370Casper the Friendly Ghost serves as a "guardian ghost" to Mini and Maxi, two female Space Police officers who patrol the Jetsons-style Space City in the year 2179 on their flying motorcycles. Mini is ...
5.60 387This show follows a classic Hanna-Barbera formula from the 1970s, featuring a group of teens and their lovable creature sidekick as they embark on adventures and solve mysteries. The main characters�...
7.30 6.50 95The more intense and darker journeys of the team made up of DC Comics' top superheroes. ...
7.30 6.10 89An updated version of the classic Hanna-Barbera mystery cartoon. Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo travel from town to town in their van, The Mystery Machine, solving cases of hauntings, mons...
7.90 7.90 87