Set in Hollywood in 1947, the story features cartoon characters, known as "toons," who interact with real people and live in the animated district of Toontown. Private detective Eddie Valiant, who onc...
6.40 7.70 104Watching Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie is a unique experience, to say the least. Based on the popular trading card stickers, the film was a commercial flop, grossing less than 2 million worldwide and r...
6.40 7.10 119"Dominion Tank Police" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow, known for creating other popular series such as "Ghost in the Shell." The series is set in a dystopian...
6.80 6.90 467This animated comedy-adventure takes viewers on a thrilling journey across salty seas and aboard massive ships, featuring buried treasure and gold-hungry pirates who kidnap young British girls. With a...
8.00 6.50 87Talpa, the Netherworld's demon lord and head of The Dynasty, is hell-bent on destroying the mortal world. The five Ronin Warriors, each with mystical armor and weaponry, are battling Talpa and his fou...
7.40 7.07 459A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von...
6.10 5.83 441The story takes place between 1998 and 2002, which was the immediate future at the time of publication. Heavy building tasks are performed by robots referred to as "Labors." In order to fight crime, t...
7.70 7.27 390Tokyo's districts are being extensively renovated as part of the Babylon Project, which also entails the construction of artificial islands in the Bay. Using "Labors," or robots made specifically for ...
7.27 523Denver, the Last Dinosaur begins with Jeremy and his friends—Mario, Shades, Wally, Casey, and Heather—visiting the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. During their visit, they encounter a gang of bul...
6.70 7.70 93In 1950s Japan, Tatsuo Kusakabe relocates himself and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, to the countryside to be closer to their mother, who is hospitalized due to long-term illness. As the girls gr...
6.78 8.25 231Wataru Ikusabe, a 9-year-old kid, is miraculously transferred to the divine realm of Soukaizan, which he must defend. He is able to turn a clay sculpture into a relatively autonomous (small) Super Rob...
7.40 6.89 541Tokyo was completely demolished in 1999 when four "devil stones" descended on the city. Invaders from a different dimension known as GIL attack Megaro City, a new city built on Tokyo Bay, in 2030, 31 ...
8.70 6.34 509