The series centers on a rare species of small, winged bears living in a magical forest, part of a utopian cooperative community. These little flying bears, along with their friends, take it upon thems...

7.40 6.80 78

The four-episode OVA series SD Gundam Gaiden was created by Bandai in 1990. This television series, which was created by Tetsuro Amino (Macross 7, SD Gundam's Counterattack), takes place in the mediev...

5.72 448

In Corey's room, an unseen individual pilfers her piggy bank from her dresser. The theft is observed by Papa Smurf, who materializes from a Smurfs comic book alongside the other Smurfs, and notifies t...

5.80 5.60 184

The story, which is set in an alternate 1889, focuses on Nadia, a 14-year-old girl of unknown ancestry, and Jean, a young, kind-hearted French inventor. Grandis Granva, Sanson, and Hanson, a trio of j...

7.80 7.52 475

Lamune is a typical boy in the fourth grade who enjoys playing video games. A girl selling goods on the street sells her one, and he purchases the other. He plays the game "King Sccasher" at home and ...

6.80 7.14 458

In the far future, once humanity has colonized numerous worlds around the galaxy, it will have long since forgotten about Earth. A small girl named Mayo surprises the female space pirates and their en...

6.00 6.28 419

Vaillante is a family-run French business which, in the beginning, was a transporting company. They also create their own trucks and cars and so decide to enter Formula Oneracing competition. In 1939,...

6.10 7.40 96

Exkaiser and his fellow space police are pursuing the Geisters, a nefarious band of looters. Exkaiser and his group, the Kaisers, house their spirits in automobiles all throughout Japan once they land...

6.70 6.46 498

The series is set in Little Tokyo, a mechanical city blending feudal Japanese culture with contemporary elements, inhabited by cybernetic anthropomorphic animals. The city is officially ruled by the e...

7.20 7.30 90

Hiroshi Kato and Toru Nakama, two rough-and-tumble high school pals who routinely cause trouble and provoke fights, are the focus of the narrative. Toru and Hiroshi have punch perms in their hair and ...

7.49 525

"Warau Salesman," also known as "The Laughing Salesman," is a manga and anime series created by Fujiko F. Fujio. It follows the story of Moguro Fukuzou, a mysterious and enigmatic salesman who offers ...

6.14 453