Eriko Tamura is the lone child of Minako Tamura, a former idol singer, and Yuusuke Tamura, the head of renowned music label Tamura Productions. She has always adored her parents' media world and has h...

7.50 6.87 484

The narrative is set in the old Tokyo in August to September 1923. (Showa 12). The city is currently a combination of extremes: the past and the present, the wealthy and the impoverished, the good and...

6.60 6.63 491

Zeon intelligence in the Universal Century 0079 has discovered a Federation Gundam prototype being worked on in a base of the Federation in the Arctic. Elite Zeon MS commandos are sent to destroy the ...

8.00 7.94 476

In this thrilling installment, Lucifer rises from his eternal slumber, his awakening orchestrated by the spirits of Eris, Abel, and Poseidon. With newfound power, he sets his sights on Athena, determi...

6.14 6.76 197

Transformers Victory, which is place in 2025 AD, features Star Saber, the strongest Autobot soldier and the best swordsman in the cosmos. The baddies have started ruthlessly invading other worlds in t...

7.30 6.69 461

In the 21st century, mankind lives on two worlds. Following the collision of an ice asteroid, massive terraforming has made Venus a planet now capable of supporting life. Colonists from Earth tamed th...

4.44 6.76 219

In this vibrant continuation of the beloved Chip and Dale saga, the two iconic chipmunks reunite after decades apart, each having taken very different paths. Chip, now a successful yet unfulfilled ins...

7.60 360

A group known as the Global Government Force has taken over the planet in the year 2025. Despite being a talented and up-and-coming ballet dancer, Rin Ogata opted to give up after suffering a catastro...

6.70 7.07 470

An alien named Chimpui meets Eri. He enjoys eating Japanese noodles called ramen. He uses the energy he gets from it to fuel his superhuman abilities. He occasionally uses it for himself, but usually ...

7.70 6.28 339

The Japanese now accept youkai into their society after decades of hostility and miscommunication. Normal kids start going to school with quite humanoid paranormal monsters in an effort to integrate t...

7.70 6.79 513

A psychic ninja legend claims that instead of disappearing during the Sengoku era, the assassins tunneled beneath Japan and waged a fresh war against the alien occupants of a wrecked spaceship that ha...

5.69 606