Inspired by the animated short Bob's Birthday (1993), this series chronicles the everyday adventures of a London dentist and his chiropodist wife. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of their pe...

7.00 7.80 97

Milk, a young 5-year-old superheroine who may or may not truly have any powers and can typically only do very little aside from making pop culture references, is the focus of the show. As a result, it...

7.40 5.85 506

A race that wants to rule the cosmos is the central theme of the narrative. In her Seas of Star ship, a lone mysterious female fighter fighting against that cruel race's tyranny travels the boundless ...

6.70 6.83 484

Plot Summary: There are two kinds of people in the world, normal and psychics. Psychics are rare, powerful and feared. Burn Griffith met and befriended one of them, Keith Evans, two years ago. Now he ...

4.90 5.30 459

Every episode centers on a different individual animal, who is unique in personality. Every animal story is in rhyme. There are morals in the stories told in rhyming couplets, narrated by Steve hosted...

7.50 7.10 83

"Geobreeders" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Akihiro Itou. The story revolves around a group of skilled individuals who form the Kagura Total Security company. Their primary...

6.70 6.28 371

The human era is nearing its end in a post-apocalyptic world where an environmental catastrophe caused Yokohama to be flooded and Mt. Fuji to erupt. A little diner west of Yokohama is named after the ...

7.30 7.38 355

Oraku is fortunate. He is a contented teacher at a nearby high school. Satsuki, a colleague teacher, is someone he has and plans to marry in the future. Aya, a stunning student, has developed feelings...

5.20 5.51 482

The son of a wealthy businessman in Albuquerque, Philip "Philly" Fillmore (Eric Brown), 15, is a daring high school student. His father has left town for a lengthy trip over the summer, leaving the yo...

5.20 5.20 428

With his best friend Itsuki, student Takumi Fujiwara works as a gas station attendant. Itsuki has a strong desire to compete in street races. The Akina Speed Stars, whose team captain Koichiro Iketani...

8.40 8.31 511

Individuals associated with Mori Kogoro are being targeted in a series of attacks based on the numerical order of their names. ...

7.30 7.20 193

Earth is guiding human civilisation toward definite extinction in 2187 as a result of global warming. People build dome-shaped cities since they are unable to live on Earth's surface. However, as time...

6.33 482