"Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin" is the fifth and final installment in the "Future GPX Cyber Formula" anime series, a franchise that combines high-stakes sports drama with science fiction elements. Rele...
7.20 7.44 513Fuguno Matsuo has been single for the all of his 24 years, and to make matters worse, a fortune teller said he will never find love. But as soon as he set eyes on Nagisa-sensei, he fell head over heel...
6.60 6.37 433Fifth-grader Shunichi Domoto is a boy. Due of his athletic talent, he frequently supports the sports teams at his school. In a Yoyo duel with a bully child named Benkei Musashimaru, his pal Beso Kimur...
7.10 6.59 430A number of different countries are currently embroiled in a string of seemingly never-ending hostilities as a result of Janus, the overlord of the demons and king of Neverland, being vanquished in Ma...
2.50 3.64 402Ant Island is a colony of ants led by the Queen and her daughter, Princess Atta. Every season, they are forced to give food to a gang of marauding grasshoppers led by Hopper. One day, when Flik, an in...
7.02 259It's Thanksgiving time in the Hundred Acre Wood and Winnie the Pooh and all his friends bring food for the big dinner. Piglet brings acorns, Pooh brings honey, Owl brings biscuits, Gopher brings lemon...
6.08 231The anime is set in the far future, after the Earth's oceans have risen and largely flooded the planet. Numerous people were killed by flooding brought on by the rogue scientist Zorndyke, and the maj...
6.70 7.02 456Dokkiri Doctor details the happenings in the life of Dr. Haruka Nishikikji, a humorous overweight school doctor who oversees the clinic and health center at his school, a complex that resembles a medi...
6.45 486Tasuke Shichiri is the envy of his pals since he has complete freedom because his parents are constantly on the go. He receives a peculiar ring known as the shitenrin as a surprise gift from his fathe...
5.90 6.64 504Beautiful supermodel Fudo Jun is adored by many. Her hidden secret is that she carries the genes that will carry humanity's next evolutionary stride in her veins, which she was initially unaware of. T...
6.30 6.62 552An elementary school teacher named Fudo Jun experiences violent dreams. She leads the tennis team from the school on a trip where they come under attack by demons. She releases Devilman Lady in an eff...
6.30 6.61 496