The show centers on Oggy, a blue cat, who would prefer to spend his days contentedly watching television and eating - if not for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named afte...
7.50 7.90 99Skippy the Bush Kangaroo is a young park ranger who resides in Bushtown who always happens to get in the way of Mayor Croco, his greedy wife Sulka, his pack of goons and his frequent get-rich schemes ...
7.20 7.20 82The Wild Thornberrys follows the adventures of Eliza Thornberry, a girl with a special gift: she can talk to and understand animals. Traveling the world in an RV with her nature-show-host parents, Nig...
7.30 7.60 83The story starts some time after the Moon Wars, when things have gotten worse for the initial cast. After the passing of Saotome's daughter, Michiru, the main character and pilot of Getter-1, Ryma Nag...
7.60 7.72 455The Wiggles are an Australian children's music group formed in Sydney, New South Wales, in 1991. The current members are Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Simon Pryce, and Emma Watkins. The original l...
6.50 6.60 87In Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back, the story revolves around Mewtwo, a clone of the Legendary Pokémon Mew, created by Team Rocket using Mew's fossil. Initially intended to be a power...
7.41 7.65 382At a training facility, Touno Hikari is learning how to operate robots. Although she is unable to accomplish anything correctly, her teachers are intrigued by her for some reason. The pupils start to ...
4.81 406Attacks by the nightbreed, little demons that take possession of humans and consume their souls, are rather prevalent in the realm of Nightwalker. As a whole, nightbreeds (commonly referred to as "bre...
6.93 434Junior high school student Lain Iwakura, who is rather shy and introverted, lives in suburban Japan with her middle-class family, which includes her uncommunicative older sister Mika, her emotionally ...
8.10 8.07 721The setting for Shadow Skill is the warrior kingdom of Kurda, where Elle Regu, the main character, recently attained the title of 59th Sevaar, which is given to the most skilled soldiers in that natio...
7.00 7.09 431"Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku" is a comedy anime series that follows the zany and chaotic adventures of the Urayasu family, a unique and eccentric group living in the city of Urayasu. The series blends humor...
6.89 379