Five years ago, a sizable portion of Ikebukuro vanished over night as a result of a puzzling phenomena called the Global Synchronic Urban Disappearance. Following the calamity, the locals were left in...

5.40 5.50 423

High school student Kanade Amamiya has been working long hours at his part-time job since since he left the soccer squad. One day, a well-known idol producer spots Kanade. Kanade is unsure whether or ...

6.90 6.68 534

A man dressed as an odd bird comes across several egg-shaped stones that burrow into the ground in a desolate desert. After pausing to appreciate a flower, one stone turns into a heart, which the bird...

7.00 7.18 452

A man dressed as an odd bird comes across several egg-shaped stones that burrow into the ground in a desolate desert. After pausing to appreciate a flower, one stone turns into a heart, which the bird...

6.90 7.15 502

Follows the musical careers and personal lives of several bands under the "Dynamic Chord" agency and music label. ...

4.59 528

Étoile Vio School is where children who want to become idols, known as "I-Chu," will start their academic careers. But when the new kids are given a speech by their bear principal, things become stra...

6.50 6.57 515

The wind instrument club at Haruta and Chika's high school is about to be disbanded due to a lack of participation—there are currently only four students. The two spent their days studying and seeki...

5.90 6.34 554

In the not too distant future, the Japanese Self-Defense Force makes the decision to hand over control (and funding) of their air force to business entities and investors. Most people dismiss the idea...

7.40 5.76 495

Eriko Tamura is the lone child of Minako Tamura, a former idol singer, and Yuusuke Tamura, the head of renowned music label Tamura Productions. She has always adored her parents' media world and has h...

7.50 6.87 512

Growing income disparity, encroaching environmental contamination, insoluble waste problems, discussion of childcare waiting lists without the participation of people affected, ongoing corruption... T...

5.60 5.67 563

Yui Yumekawa, a sixth-grader at Avocado Academy, daydreams a lot and aspires to be an idol despite the fact that her school forbids kids from using PriPara. After obtaining her PriTicket, she learns t...

7.15 486

In the near future, when the series is set, live idol music performances in virtual reality are widespread. Many would-be idols choose to enroll in illustrious idol training institutions in an effort ...

5.35 554