Fuuka is a sequel to the 2004 manga Suzuka. The story follows Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user that made a promise with his childhood friend Koyuki Hinashi of starting a band. One night, o...

6.30 6.51 336

Five years ago, a sizable portion of Ikebukuro vanished over night as a result of a mysterious phenomena called the Global Synchronic Urban Disappearance. Following the calamity, the locals were left ...

5.30 5.52 521

Shuichi Shindou, an aspiring musician, and his band, Bad Luck, are central to the narrative (formed with his best friend Hiroshi Nakano, who is on guitar). Shuichi aspires to succeed Ryuichi Sakuma, t...

7.10 6.95 409

Cute fourteen-year-old Mimu Emilton is attending the yearly Starland Festival in hopes of achieving her goal of becoming an idol like her idol, Yuri. The President of Earth, Yuri, has urged people to ...

5.80 5.67 534

After seeing a concert by the minor idol group ChamJam, which causes her to become fixated with one of its members, Maina Ichii, Eripiyo's initially routine existence is flipped upside down. Maina is ...

7.20 7.43 537

Four high school girls in an unidentified region of Japan join the private, all-girls Sakuragaoka High School's light music club in an effort to keep it from disbanding. They are the only club members...

7.80 7.85 481

Tokiko Mima (also known as "Key"), the protagonist of the novel, thinks she is a robot created by her scientist grandfather Murao Mima. Key thinks Dr. Mima constructs her a new, larger body on her bir...

7.00 6.89 495

Kaoru Nishimi is a well-educated, reclusive first-year high school student from an affluent family who regularly moves due to his father's job; as a result, he has never established long-lasting conne...

8.20 8.32 481

There are approximately two main story arcs in Given. The first arc recounts the founding of the band and the period leading up to their first live performance, with a primary focus on the romance bet...

8.30 8.34 385

The middle-aged salary guy in Tokyo's contemporary culture, Ouji Tanaka, is married with a child. But fifteen years ago, he was known as "Gabriel," the lead guitarist of the short-lived heavy metal ba...

6.70 6.97 508

"Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club" is a spin-off of the popular "Love Live!" franchise, which centers around groups of schoolgirls who become idols to save their schools. In this series,...

7.20 7.53 530

"Love Live! School Idol Project" is a popular musical slice-of-life anime that revolves around a group of high school girls forming an idol group to save their school from shutting down due to a lack ...

7.20 7.41 532