Kasumi Kogen, often known as "The Village of Mist," is a small village in a rural area of Japan. The Shinobi Gakuen, a school in this town, is where capable female students from over Japan come to tra...

5.50 6.32 453

Sumo wrestler Hinomaru Ushio joins the sumo club at Odachi High on his first day of high school. Hinomaru strives to be the greatest in high school despite his tiny stature (professional sumo has a he...

7.40 7.56 441

Since his parents passed away, Yagi Takeru has been residing in the Tma family's residence. Tma Rokunosuke, the household's leader, raised him. He is surrounded by a large group of individuals, includ...

6.10 6.15 533

The planet has been reduced to a desert wasteland as a result of a global nuclear war that occurred sometime in the 1990s. As the strong prey on the weak, the last of humanity fights over what little ...

8.20 7.96 501

Noboru Takizawa enrolls in a school where fights are the only means of resolving conflicts. He swiftly comes into conflict with Sabur Ibuki, the school bully, who squares off against "God's Hall Monit...

6.10 6.61 534

Two martial artists are brutally killed by a team of assassins, leaving their wards, a young boy and girl, defenseless. A martial arts master dispatches of the assassins, sparing their lives, and deci...

6.36 537

"Hua Jianghu Zhi Huan Shi Men Sheng" (also known as "Painting Rivers and Lakes" or "The King of the Water Margin") is a Chinese animated series that delves into the genres of fantasy and action. Se...

6.47 554

A young man with a huge idea who is dedicated to challenging the existing quo and working hard to build a new world. In this age of brilliance, which is filled with difficulties and opportunities, the...

8.10 6.93 593

Mao Ran appears to be a typical attractive girl at first, but she is a master of a martial art passed down through the Mao family. She gets fooled by her grandfather one day and made to compete in the...

4.80 6.56 522