"Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor" is the fourth season of the "Ikki Tousen" anime series, a show known for its combination of action, martial arts, and fan service. The series is loosely based on the clas...

6.00 6.74 480

"Jubei-chan 2: The Counterattack of Siberia Yagyu" is the second season of the "Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl" anime series. Like the first season, it combines elements of comedy, action, and historical ...

7.40 6.85 508

Hinako, who was raised as an orphan, is astonished to discover that she has a twin brother named Hikaru who is older than her. At Shishiku Academy, an all-boys school overrun with Japan's hardest offe...

6.60 6.44 549

19-year-old independent and underemployed freelance computer programmer Keita Ibuki. His mother's passing years ago, just a few days after she and he had seen her doppelganger, and his endeavor with t...

6.80 7.14 506

"Legends of the Dark King" (also known as "Legends of the Dark King: A Fist of the North Star Story" or "Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh" in Japanese) is an anime series that serves as a spin-o...

6.60 7.12 669

A conflict in the 19th century causes significant devastation to Imperial City. Five years hence, a brand-new sport called "Metalboxing" is created, which merges boxing with robotics. After losing con...

6.90 7.17 364

Kawakami City is renowned for its fervent adherence to its samurai forebears. A strong sense of perseverance is generally admired, and it is even crucial for academic achievement. Second-year Kawakami...

5.70 6.69 494

"Maken-Ki! Battling Venus" is an ecchi harem anime series based on the manga of the same name. The story primarily takes place at Tenbi Academy, a high school that has recently switched from all-girls...

5.80 6.34 582

"Maken-Ki! Two" is the second season of the "Maken-Ki! Battling Venus" anime series. The story continues to follow the adventures of Takeru Ooyama at Tenbi Academy, a high school where the students wi...

6.14 519

Aya Iseshima is walking home from school when she comes across two girls fighting viciously for something dubbed the "Platonic Heart." Aya, who is a martial arts expert herself, steps in to break up t...

4.40 4.61 503

The story centers on Medaka Kurokami, a dynamic and alluring first-year Hakoniwa Academy student who wins 98% of the vote to become president of the student council. Initiating a suggestion box, she r...

6.50 7.03 468

Mobile Fighter G Gundam is set in a different "Future Century" timeframe than previous Gundam series, which are set in the "Universal Century." In this era, most people have left the destroyed Earth a...

7.50 7.56 568