The protagonist of the tale is the humorous superhero Kinnikuman, true name Suguru Kinniku, who learns that he is the missing prince of the planet Kinniku (known for producing the greatest superheroes...

7.40 6.90 452

The landscape is filled with steaming bowls of mac and cheese that simmer deep within the guts of volcanoes, mountain ranges built out of ice cream, and hamburgers that sprout out of the ground like f...

7.20 7.52 361

Four years later, Mikado City residents have gotten used to the sporadic clashes with the Neighbors and have largely resumed their regular lives. Border is now well-liked. One day, Yma Kuga, a mystery...

7.40 7.99 540

In the opening scene of Headmasters, Galvatron commands a fresh group of Destrons to attack Cybertron. The Cybertron Headmasters, headed by Fortress, arrive and save the Cybertrons (Cerebros, the head...

6.90 6.42 462

Since humans left Earth, it has been 4,000 years. As a result of being forced to face the extraterrestrial life form Gnosis, humans created the incredible battle android KOS-MOS. KOS-MOS is launched i...

6.00 6.34 327

While most of the premise is covered by the anime adaptation, it notices modifications in the majority of the manga's story. These offer extra plotlines and characters that weren't in the original sto...

7.20 7.54 546

After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who assumed the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

6.20 6.30 548

Matsutarou Sakaguchi has a short fuse and is sluggish. As a result, despite being an adult, he is still in middle school. He gets into a battle with a sumo wrestler one day, and they decide to settle ...

5.80 6.05 503

18-year-old Yaeko Mitamura works in her father's okonomiyaki restaurant. Yakko happens to encounter Hashizo, a little kid, and Juliano, his peculiar cat, one day. Hashizo, who lost both of his parents...

6.40 6.76 534

Hiroshi Kato and Toru Nakama, two rough-and-tumble high school pals who routinely cause trouble and provoke fights, are the focus of the narrative. Toru and Hiroshi have punch perms in their hair and ...

7.49 554

The population is suffering under the control of the devil Vandel, who has the power to tame monsters, in this gloomy century. The Zenon Squad is regarded as the most powerful busters on the continent...

6.90 6.95 749