"Magne Robo Gakeen" (also known as "Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen" or simply "Gakeen") is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan from 1976 to 1977. The series is part of the super robot genre and w...

7.10 6.15 486

Witches and wizards appear to be purely fantastical constructs in the human world. Mirai Asahina, ever the daring teen, sets out to debunk this idea by tracing the path of a strange shooting star that...

7.60 7.21 495

Although Hajime Kindaichi may have the appearance and attitude of a typical high school student, one should never judge a book by its cover. Hajime is a superb sleuth who also happens to be the grands...

8.00 7.95 508

Once more, Hajime Kindaichi finds himself involved in perplexing cases and perplexing crimes that would stump even the most seasoned detectives. Hajime is determined to solve every case, whether it in...

7.60 7.64 647

A magical girl named Lalabel travels to the Human world to stop a villainous wizard from stealing numerous magical treasures. She is a magical girl with a cat as a friend and a magic wand. She uninten...

7.20 6.62 509

Hajime Kindaichi, a high school student, is supposedly the great-grandson of renowned private eye Kosuke Kindaichi. Our hero's girlfriend Miyuki is mistakenly abducted into custody by a stranger while...

7.60 7.52 525

Sally, the sweet but cheeky princess of the Land of Magic, has grown curious about people. She sneaks away because she wants to see it for herself and meets Yoshiko "Yocchan" Hanamura and Sumire Kasug...

6.80 6.55 608

Anime adaption of the online card game Majin Bone. The universe's creator, Majin, has been revived in the present. Shougo Ryuujin, a common high school student who uses the Bone Card to turn into t...

7.20 6.62 520

Kindaichi is once again solving a mystery. ...

7.60 6.99 470

Ichika Usami, a happy adolescent, gets her love of sweets from her mother's baking. She tries her hand at baking a cake herself to celebrate her mother's return from abroad. A dog-like fairy named Pek...

8.00 7.06 492

The goddess of war Athena was the daughter of Zeus. Young people flocked to Athena and engaged in valiant combat as her "Saints" to defend her. Their Sacred Cloth combat protection served as their cre...

4.60 5.10 531