Kazuhiko Nukumizu, who sees himself as a mere "background character," inadvertently witnesses his well-known classmate Anna Yanami being turned down by her childhood friend. This incident leads Kazuhi...
6.77 8.18 196Kaito Takagi, an average high school student, leads a quiet life by day and explores dungeons in Japan by night, earning extra cash by hunting slimes. He secretly admires his childhood friend, the mos...
5.13 6.21 241In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac is unique as the sole human among them. Lacking the fangs, fur, or scales that define the inhabitants, she is labeled "Faceless" and lives...
203Nikola, a humble village girl working at an inn, sees her life upended when dragons invade her peaceful world. During this chaos, she encounters Haga, a scholar affiliated with the elite "Seeker" soci...
5.77 6.37 219Roommates Mao Tsuchiya and Hisashi Ootomo make three promises in front of a camera: Mao must keep Hisashi's sexuality and relationship a secret; Hisashi must refrain from pursuing Mao romantically; an...
7.11 7.29 194In a world where humans once triumphed in a great war, Kai serves as the guardian of sealed crypts holding their vanquished enemies. However, when “World Rebirth” alters history, Kai finds himself...
8.30 8.40 324Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just relocated to the bustling city of Dimmadelphia due to her father's new job. For the first time, she's without her brother Antony, who has gone off to college, leaving...
6.70 224Arou Sakamoto, once revered as the greatest hitman in the underground world, was feared and respected by many. His life took a dramatic turn when he fell in love with a woman, leading him to leave beh...
7.89 8.04 531Rentarō Aijo, having faced rejection 100 times in middle school, prays at a shrine for a change of luck as he enters high school. His wish is answered when the God of Love appears and promises that h...
6.78 7.73 468After facing a harsh rejection, Momo Ayase finds herself downcast until she stumbles upon a boy being bullied. Moved by a sudden urge to help, she intervenes, and the boy, who is fascinated by aliens,...
7.12 8.71 416Dali Delico, a distinguished aristocrat from the prestigious Delico family and a high-ranking member of the Blood Pact Council, is expected to fulfill a crucial mission assigned by the vampire governi...
6.23 7.01 188