The world is divided into two factions: humans and monstrous beings called katawara. Although a katawara herself, Tama cherishes humans and pledges to protect them from evil, even if it means battling...

6.23 6.72 419

Animal Town is a community where humans and animals coexist. Iroha, a passionate animal lover, shares a deep bond with her canine companion, Komugi! One day, a menacing monster, Garugaru, unleashes ch...

6.10 7.18 446

Yori Asanagi is a woman with a mature outlook in many respects, yet she remains innocent when it comes to romance. This sentiment is demonstrated when a younger student, Himari Kino, unexpectedly expr...

6.55 7.89 401

The show follows a group of 13 girls from the 765 Production Studio, all striving to become the most popular idols in Japan's entertainment scene. ...

6.50 295

In a distant past, an unknown force, simply called the "Unknown," emerged unexpectedly. As a response to this danger, the "Super Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" created the "Shinkalion," a ro...

5.12 5.77 416

In the initial three seasons, the antagonists were generally characters that appeared only once and were introduced in separate episodes. These villains commonly aimed to take revenge on the world bec...

6.00 6.60 236

The story centers on a group of five individuals in a world where people have mysteriously vanished. A mysterious figure claiming to be the "Emperor" brings these five together via anonymous messages ...

7.12 6.77 287

Will Serfort dreams of fulfilling a promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, a prestigious magician at the Wizard's Tower. Unfortunately, he struggles with even the most basic spells,...

7.44 8.12 297

After Koyomi Araragi's high school story concludes, the focus shifts to the lives of the girls he saved. This narrative explores their continued struggles and developments, serving as either a prequel...

7.12 7.22 429

Introducing Masaki, the former member of the hit NewTuber group Harikiri Sisters. After a surprising career setback—getting fired live on stream—she teams up with Live, a partner with extraordinar...

6.44 7.04 239

Prince Kinnikuman, once mocked as a worthless Chojin from the distant planet Kinnikusei, was unexpectedly granted the chance to compete in the Chojin World Cup. Against all odds, he won the championsh...

5.77 6.46 229

Ja Wangnan is stuck on the 20th floor, unable to progress despite numerous attempts. His determination never wavers, and he continues to strive for success. Along his journey, he encounters a formidab...

7.11 7.55 358