The main character of the anime is a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). In the virtual Drink Planet's Bottle Battles, Kouta aspires to be th...
5.53 531Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, also known as Rai, is a mighty noble who has been dormant for 820 years without being aware of human progress or scientific achievements. The webcomic begins with Rai waking up...
7.10 6.87 347Preparations for a new offensive against the Neuroi—a mysterious race of alien invaders—are well underway. The objective is securing Berlin, the capital city of the Empire of Karlsland, which is n...
7.00 7.33 443In a dystopian future when Kansai is a vassal state of Kant, a group of highly competent criminals known as Akudama receive a request from an unnamed customer to save Cutthroat from execution by relea...
7.30 7.62 707Sixth season of Qin Shi Ming Yue. ...
522The powerful magic-user nation known as the Nebulis Sovereignty and the technologically superior Heavenly Empire have been at war for many years. In the present, the "Ice Calamity Witch" from Nebulis'...
6.40 6.63 845The planet is permeated with an energy known as Astral power, which is controlled by astral mages. The "Empire" persecutes people who demonstrate their ability out of fear of its corrosive influence. ...
6.40 6.64 447Yuna, a fifteen-year-old shut-in but relatively well-off player of the VRMMO World Fantasy Online, obtains a bear costume from the game's administrators after nearly a year of obsessive play. Despite ...
6.70 7.10 498Demon Lord Tasogare is holding Aurora Suya Rhys Kaymin, the princess of the human empire, hostage in a world where humans and demons coexist. He demands that people give him complete control over the ...
7.50 7.99 525The plot centers on Princess Syalis, a young princess taken hostage by the Demon King, and her attempt to have a good night's sleep while confined. Despite the Demon King's best efforts, the princess ...
7.50 8.00 515The series revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. ...
6.50 6.87 557