Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...
8.60 6.69 580The tale revolves around an RPG known as "kusoge" ("crap-tier game," referring to games with quirky or badly implemented mechanics and design). While the game isn't being played, the main character Li...
5.32 637Zero was mankind’s first real superhero. Under his watch, countless other superheros appeared and followed in his footsteps. However, after 5 years of war, Zero disappeared without a trace. ...
8.10 6.94 438Arashi and his Wild Liger are the subjects of the show. The Death Metal Empire, led by Gallagher, is the primary enemy. They have countless Zoids and warriors at their disposal, including the Four Hea...
511After a string of mysterious disappearances begin to plague a train, the Demon Slayer Corps' multiple attempts to remedy the problem prove fruitless. To prevent further casualties, the Flame Pillar, K...
8.20 8.60 689Dogeza is a sex comedy that centers on Suwaru Doge (, Doge Suwaru), a man who asks young women to show him their breasts or underwear while bowing (dogeza) in front of them. He bows deeper and deeper...
4.40 5.62 513Mankai Company is a theatre company for actors, who are split into four troupes and named after the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Having incurred a huge debt over the years after th...
6.90 7.31 537Rumors of a catastrophe known only as the "light" returning have caused unrest among the populace in the technologically and magically sophisticated Wahrheit Empire. Innumael Grauer, a transporter, is...
7.00 6.55 512The power of beginnings, the energy of the core stone; one may find it good, one may find it evil. During a normal investigation, Yue Juntian finds himself drawn into the battle between the 'beginning...
6.01 635