This cartoon features Bruce Willis as the voice of an 11-year-old boy named Bruno, who becomes a top spy for a covert espionage organization called Globe. Unbeknownst to Globe, which contacts Bruno th...
7.60 7.90 110In a thrilling battle for survival, Earth faces a dire threat as fighters from the Mortal Kombat tournaments, hailing from various worlds and dimensions, begin to invade through dimensional tears. The...
6.10 6.20 119The adventures of a group of space cadets on the Terran carrier Tiger's Claw in the war against the Kilrathi. ...
6.40 6.60 108An animated series based on the comic book of the same name.This series tells of the adventures of the poor little rich boy and his friends. Unlike the Hanna-Barbera version which depicted a somewhat ...
5.70 5.80 20After the events of All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, Charlie and Itchy are now a guardian angel couple living in San Francisco. They are given a mission to complete in each episode by Annabelle, and despite t...
6.60 439Chris, the main character, is abruptly transported to Byston Well, a parallel realm, while his physical body stays in his own world. Chris' spiritual manifestation visits a different planet and finds ...
3.00 4.13 505THE FUTURE! Mister Moloch created an artificial human, code-named Project G.K.R. He is known as Geeker, and his synthetic body has almost unlimited power. Moloch plans to use him to conquer the world,...
7.70 7.80 13A brief children's cartoon series featuring the curious Why Why family, whose father is a scientist. In each episode, a family member asks another about a scientific, medical, or geographical concept ...
6.20 7.80 118In a future decimated by war, only a small band of humans survive. The radiation from the war has created many new species, including huge, semi-intelligent dragons and evil mutants. The only source o...
6.80 7.50 120Great adventures abound, as a group of tiny little dragons, who live with a kindly old wizard, embark on all sorts of fun and heroic quests. ...
6.90 7.00 14Blue is an adventurous puppy who leaves her paw prints on three clues for Steve to discover. With the assistance of off-screen children, Steve must deduce the clues to figure out what Blue wants to do...
8.00 7.90 100The series expanded on the idea of a shared Marvel Animated Universe, incorporating characters from various Marvel cartoons of the time. However, after UPN deemed the first season too dark, changes we...
6.10 7.10 129