The third installment of the Captain Tsubasa manga series is titled Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002. The film is a direct sequel to Captain Tsubasa: World Youth Hen and follows the cast's professional f...

7.70 7.42 577

A fictitious combat sport called Crush Gear features machines that can be modified for maximum impact. When two players engage in a Gear Fight in a game, the winner is determined by whose fighter's Ge...

7.60 6.89 535

A biological weapon in the form of armies of monsters was developed and sent around the universe tens of thousands of years ago by the evil ruler of darkness known as Nightmare in order to conquer it....

7.00 6.86 435

Vesper is a covert organization deploying very potent battle androids to fight an army of alien invaders. Vesper's most formidable battle android, Mahoro, has defeated numerous foes, but she is rapidl...

6.70 7.16 436

After discovering that Koichi, a young student, is the reincarnation of an extraterrestrial protector who took on the role of "defender of the Earth," Koichi/Babel joins forces with three other superp...

5.30 5.74 543

Famous for her ability to distinguish over 500 fragrances, Najica Hiiragi is a well-known perfumer for CRI Cosmetics. She is actually a field agent with CRI's Intelligence Bureau, which is a secret or...

5.90 5.98 549

Goro Mutsumi, the protagonist, has almost no luck at all, not with employment, not with school, and certainly not with ladies. That is, until he runs into a fortune teller one day who tells him that h...

7.20 6.54 551

The series is set in the near future where a deadly virus, known as the M34 virus, starts infecting humans and turns them into monstrous creatures. An organization called NOA becomes humanity's last l...

5.70 6.01 570

The anime adaption depicts the youthful esper Kamui Shiro experiencing several fates while the manga's ongoing serialization is on hold. In response to his mother's last wishes, Kamui makes his six-ye...

7.50 7.41 488

To find a man by the name of Genzo Araki, Jyouji "George" Kodama travels to Kimujuku. He discovers that the community is split into two distinct factions after failing to locate him. Jyouji, who belie...

7.40 7.16 480

There are creatures called Season Fairies, they control the weather with their mythical insturements. They make it rain, they make the snow fall, whatever situation the weather is involved they are al...

7.50 7.07 858

Ai and Yu Hayakawa, 12-year-old twins, are the main characters of FF:U. They hunt for their missing parents by entering Wonderland, a mysterious parallel reality. The 22-year-old Lisa Pacifist, who Ai...

5.90 6.19 563