An untitled pitch pilot for the series was produced, but wasn't aired on television, but was later released on the Season 1 DVD. Prior to Sealab 2021 becoming a fully developed series (and the creatio...

7.20 7.80 95

The Brak Show is a whimsical sitcom centered around a neighborhood and a family, exploring the comedic ups and downs that arise when adults have children who attend school. The series features Brak, t...

6.80 6.40 126

Chris Colorado is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth devastated by a catastrophic event known as The Great Crash, caused by a data-processing flaw that prevented the detection of a meteorite impact. In t...

8.20 363

La Metalle's artificial sun, which provides illumination, is on the verge of dying, endangering what little life is still present there. In order for her people to survive, Queen La Andromeda Promethe...

6.40 6.41 460

Jason and Michelle, twin siblings, are in the Pennsylvania Poconos for the summer with their British grandmother. Grandma has a collection of tacky ceramic figurines, with four penguins in a rocket sh...

6.60 373

Baseball teams of birds play against other baseball teams of animals in the town of Mynaville....

6.20 6.70 116

The animated misadventures of Lynn Johnston's acclaimed comic strip family....

6.90 6.20 123

The first season of the series introduces the main characters and sets the stage for future storylines. The original X-Men team consists of Professor X, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, and Jean Grey. New m...

7.80 163

Jake Spankenheimer already has a lot on his plate on Christmas Eve, but his troubles escalate when he has to assist his parents in stopping his mean cousin Mel from taking over the family store. Amids...

4.05 247

Kibosh, the treacherous King of Ghosts, orders Casper to scare someone before Christmas or face eternal banishment. To ensure Casper's compliance, Kibosh confiscates The Ghostly Trio's Scare licenses ...

4.50 4.40 138

Caitlin Fairchild is a teenager who is offered a place in an institute for gifted children. She soon learns that the school isn't really a school, but rather a military project to turn children with a...

5.09 153