The Danger Rangers are a team of six animal heroes, accompanied by their robot, Fallbot, and their artificial intelligence, SAVO. They focus on teaching children about safety by addressing various exa...
7.80 7.70 115The story opens with Shuji, a high school student in a seaside Hokkaid city, strolling up to an observatory and daydreaming about Chise; there, he discovers her exchange diaries that she purposely lef...
6.10 7.07 474Edward Elric, desperate to save his brother, sacrifices himself and finds himself stranded in post-WWI Germany. He struggles to adjust to a new world and seeks a way to return home. His brother, Alpho...
7.34 7.51 324The major sub-plot circles around the youngest Griffin, Stewie, who has a near-death experience at a pool when a lifeguard chair falls on him, but he survives. After having a vision of being in Hell, ...
7.05 345The setting of Strawberry Marshmallow is Japan's Hamamatsu. As the characters engage in numerous customary seasonal activities, the seasons are significant to Strawberry Marshmallow. Numerous subtle m...
7.80 7.64 481Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid is the third season of the "Full Metal Panic!" anime series. Following the comedic spin-off season, "Fumoffu," "The Second Raid" returns to the series' action and mec...
7.93 500Three anthropomorphic feline brothers serve as the central characters of the anime. When their wealthy owner Edna Cramdilly passed away, she left them her wealth, a terrifying, gigantic monster truck ...
6.70 288The Japanese are now willing to accept youkai into their society after decades of hostility and misunderstanding. In an effort to integrate the two species, conventional schoolchildren start going to ...
6.51 444When 10-year-old Joe (Mark Rendall) receives a mysterious book from his quirky magician Uncle Joe (Tony Daniels), he has no idea of the adventures that lie ahead for him and his friends Sam (Darren Fr...
6.30 7.00 127Six billion people died as a result of the "Hammer of Eden" disaster, which also flooded 90% of the earth. 14 years later, the New United Nations was established to work toward peace on the devastated...
6.60 6.63 448