Konomi Yuzuhara enrolls in the same high school as her childhood buddy Takaaki Kono after finishing middle school. They make numerous new friends as the new school year gets underway, including Tamaki...
6.20 6.49 497The series is set in the town of Gamebridge, which is overrun by the humorous and occasionally dangerous game creatures known as "hench" as well as the wicked Prince Brad of the game world after an ac...
8.20 6.35 504A man named Louis Cyphre contacts Harry Angel, a private detective in New York City, in 1955 to find John Liebling, a crooner better known by his stage name Johnny Favorite, who suffered from serious ...
7.40 7.27 510The 108th Guard Squad, based in Aomori, is the center of attention and the plot centers around them. It is frequently characterized as a "reject camp" for pilots who don't pass muster for the elite fo...
6.80 5.84 478Amano Sakogami is a young woman with an abnormally high incidence of ill luck. She accidentally enters the Better Fortune Research Organization's clubroom one day. The organization is made up of a guy...
6.30 539The show focuses on the academic and personal lives of several Nadesico Academy students and faculty members. Kamikura Hiroki, the series' central figure, resides with his younger cousin Elis. While a...
6.60 6.74 552"Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's" is the second season of the "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha" series. The story continues the adventures of Nanoha Takamachi, a young magical girl, and her friend Fate Te...
7.50 7.97 515High school student Akane Motomiya, her classmate Tenma Morimura, and their underclass pal Shimon Nagareyama are drawn into a mysterious old well on the opening day of a new academic term. They find t...
6.70 6.33 437Loonatics Unleashed takes place in 2772 when a meteor hits Acmetropolis, knocking it off its axis. The meteor releases supernatural energies that change the genetic codes of some citizens, giving them...
5.60 182