This romantic comedy revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hikigaya Hachiman with a distorted view on life and no friends or girlfriend. When he sees his classmates talking excitedly...
7.70 6.70 115Kiri Haimura appears to be a typical young man, but he has one small flaw: he has an obsession with cutting other people's hair. He encounters Iwai Mushanokji, the "Hair Queen," one day. She is unable...
5.70 6.68 556In its quest for fresh resources, humanity in the year 2110 has extended its frontier into space. The MJP (Military Junior Pre-Academy) project, which witnessed the development of genetically altered ...
7.00 7.34 502The Demon Lord Satan leads his huge demon army into Ente Isla, striking terror into the hearts of humanity. But when he begins this horrific campaign to conquer the continent, Emilia, the protagonist,...
7.60 7.77 553The protagonist of the tale is 15-year-old Izumiko Suzuhara, who was born and reared at Tamakura Shrine, a shrine that is a member of the Kumano Shrines World Heritage Site. Any electrical equipment t...
6.20 6.57 482Around the world, technology has advanced since AD 2046, and ingenuity is driving this growth. Since the development of extremely robust cardboard that can withstand every hit while maintaining the in...
6.80 7.02 562The narrative takes place in a parallel universe in which the nuclear war of 199X (from the first series) never happened. As a result, Kenshiro, Raoh, and Toki find themselves competing not just for t...
6.70 6.50 554World Fool News is an anime series that revolves around the world of news reporting and satire. The story takes place in a fictional world where nations and organizations are represented by anthropomo...
5.49 452Following the defeat of a great adversary, Gokuu Son and his friends live peaceful lives on Earth. Meanwhile, in space, Beerus the God of Destruction awakens from his long slumber, having dreamed of a...
7.26 7.40 367The OVAs for Vanquished Queens show what happened to a number of characters who were absent from Queen's Blade: Rebellion and what became of them following Queen's Blade: Toushitachi Utsukushiki. ...
5.50 5.50 482Lalaloopsy focuses on Lalaloopsy Land. Lalaloopsy Land is inhabited by colorful rag dolls, who came to life the moment their last stitch was sewn. Each episode focuses on one or two groups of them fac...
6.40 6.70 66