In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" devastates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to sha...

6.90 7.17 542

Based on the Gree mobile social game of the same name. Aquafall is a world abound with water and greenery, and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites suddenly bring forth evil creatures that th...

5.80 6.29 584

Ruby the Magical Jewel Box was given the task of making friends and gathering Magic Jewels by Lady Jewelina one day in the enchanted land of Jewel Land. She must also enroll in the Jewel Academy in or...

7.90 6.95 537

A student in the eighth grade named Naru Ayase has the ability to sense colors in music. The owner of a store like Dear Crown was Naru's ambition because she is a very talented decorator. One day, she...

8.10 7.55 522

In the first episode of the series, a mysterious phenomena known as a "spatial quake" decimates the heart of Eurasia and kills at least 150 million people. Smaller spatial quakes will continue to disr...

6.90 7.17 435

(English : Leviathan: The Last Defense) Based on the Gree mobile social game of the same name. Aquafall is a world abound with water and greenery, and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites s...

7.50 6.50 110

The narrative takes place in Aquafall, a fantastical setting teeming with water and vegetation and home to fairies and dragons. All life on the earth is in danger from the sudden appearance of malevol...

5.90 6.29 499

All hunters have been trapped inside cards as a result of an incident that occurred 1,000 years ago, during Princess Mikoto's time. The courageous youngster Hagan sets out with his pals to find these ...

6.03 483

The narrative follows Takao Kasuga, a middle school bookworm whose favorite book is Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal, as it begins in a little hamlet in the Gunma Prefecture. He impulsively stea...

7.60 7.14 519

An ordinary summer break comes to a close for Kazuya, a mild-mannered high school sophomore, and she is given a digital single lens reflex camera. His nerdy delight with its design quickly changes to ...

5.70 6.19 311

Hibiki Kuze, a senior in high school, and his best buddy Daichi Shijima stumble upon a website that promises to deliver films of their friends' faces before they pass away, only to receive recordings ...

6.20 6.85 582

The narrative centers on two reclusive characters, the pragmatist Hachiman Hikigaya and the attractive Yukino Yukinoshita, who, despite having different personalities and ideologies, provide assistanc...

8.00 8.02 609