Benio, married to the head of the military, learns of her husband's supposed death in Siberia during a war. However, upon discovering he's alive and fighting against his homeland, Benio begins searchi...
6.03 418The plot centers on Makoto, a special police detective who has the ability to read items' memories. He touches the ring of a lady who was the only survivor of the explosion while looking into a lab ex...
6.50 6.30 537The story begins when a mysterious substance called "Exotic Matter" (XM) starts to affect certain humans, granting them psychic abilities. The origins of this substance trace back to a scientific expe...
6.50 6.31 523In Chip and Potato, young Chip the pug embarks on the exciting yet daunting journey of growing up. As she navigates the challenges of starting school and making new friends, her loyal companion, Potat...
6.50 380The Hanzo Academy is a renowned prep school with a secret that only a few people are aware of. Shinobi, skilled spies and assassins who centuries before had served the shoguns for their political and ...
6.20 6.30 479One of the seven princes of Hell, Beelzebub, is said to have betrayed God and been exiled from Heaven forever. All previous angels now reside in the kingdom of Pandemonium, which is ruled by Beelzebub...
6.50 7.24 555In the land of Merc Storia, monsters and people cohabit. Yuu, the main character, is a healer's apprentice who has the power to tame demons. The two set off on a voyage in an effort to liberate Merc, ...
6.50 6.52 512The odd ZONAPHA Syndrome, a rare and mysterious illness that causes its victims to experience violent seizures at random and for which the only known treatment is to witness someone laugh, affects Nar...
7.10 7.13 536Yuu Nagami, an aspiring writer of light novels, often enters writing competitions, but she has yet to take home any prizes. Despite his repeated failures, he is unwavering in his commitment to improvi...
4.10 4.87 491Kautz was hunting for work when all of a sudden an armor shop hired him. But it's an adult armor business, not your typical armor store. An ecchi comedy that highlights the retailer's perspective on s...
5.30 5.61 550With his friend, Minato attends a recitation at an anime convention. He makes the decision to join in Suidoubashi Animation Academy after being mesmerized by the voice actors' performances. He meets C...
6.30 6.39 382