The 10-year-old fairy Butterbean, who builds and runs her own café with assistance from her sister Cricket and friends Poppy, Dazzle, and Jasper, is the focus of the Puddlebrook-based animated series...

6.60 364

The end of Koyomi Araragi's strange high school career, which was marked by odd associations with supernatural beings, is finally here with graduation day. The arrogant Karen Araragi is shorter than ...

8.00 8.45 546

When Blitzen announces his retirement on December 21st, a miniature horse has 3 days to fulfill his lifelong dream of earning a spot on Santa's team at the North Pole try-outs....

5.00 264

In a world similar to our own, where magic marble competitions (MARBLEGEN) are all the rage, a team united by friendship shared a big objective: to win the MARBLEGAMES, the biggest Marblegen tournamen...

8.20 57

Humanity, their alien allies, and Godzilla converge for a final showdown as the formidable destructive force known as Ghidorah arrives on Earth. ...

5.01 474

As December rolls in, excitement fills the air for Anna Kushina's upcoming birthday. The boys of HOMRA, determined to make it special, plot a surprise party for their beloved "little princess." Ku...

7.49 7.62 231

What happens when an entire town forgets the true spirit of the Christmas season? In this festive tale, Santa discovers there is not enough Christmas spirit for him to make Christmas magical. Thankful...

5.04 242

A vengeful monster resembling a teru teru bozu named Miden is stealing the magical powers and memories of the Cures, transforming them into helpless infants—except for Nagisa Misumi and Hana Nono. D...

7.43 7.71 203

Excalibur, a sacred sword, was made to assess a person's suitability to rule England. Those who embrace the sword will be known as "Arthur," and they will have enormous power. But there were numerous ...

6.30 6.01 509

Excalibur, a sacred sword, was made to assess a person's suitability to rule England. Those who embrace the sword will be known as "Arthur," and they will have enormous power. But there were numerous ...

6.30 6.02 472

The sound of an arrow being released from a bowstring is called "tsurune," and Minato Narumiya was motivated by this sound to pursue Kyuudo, a contemporary Japanese martial art that emphasizes archery...

7.30 7.63 537

The sound of an arrow being released from a bowstring is called "tsurune," and Minato Narumiya was motivated by this sound to pursue Kyuudo, a contemporary Japanese martial art that emphasizes archery...

7.40 7.63 486