Dragon's Dogma by Capcom, based on a well-known action RPG with an open universe, will be adapted as a Netflix original anime series. The plot centers on a man's quest for vengeance against a dragon t...
6.30 5.77 519Shun Hashimoto is an openly gay aspiring novelist living in Okinawa who was abandoned by his parents after coming out to them. Mio Chibana is a reserved, orphaned high school student, often found spen...
7.42 7.67 287Only the fortunate can enter the mystical confectionery shop known as Zenitendo. All of the chocolates that Beniko, the shop owner, suggests is ideal for the customer's problems. However, whether swee...
5.99 537Ippan Saibou is envious of the public praise immune system cells like white blood cells receive for protecting the human body from deadly pathogens. Instead of watching safely from his home, he also w...
7.27 7.36 232The final chapter of the television series will be the original video anime episode, which will focus on the conflict between "the protagonist" Amatsuyu Kisaragi (Jouro) and "the background character"...
7.00 7.58 510A third race, the Mauve, has appeared alongside Humans and Mazoku centuries after the events of Saga Brave. The Mauve, distinguished by their purple blood and extraordinary intelligence, are despised ...
6.36 574The band "given"—comprised of Ritsuka Uenoyama, Mafuyu Satou, Haruki Nakayama, and Akihiko Kaji—has advanced to the final screening of the Countdown-fes Amateur Contest, in which they will be judg...
7.12 8.13 356The final chapter in the Heaven's Feel trilogy. Angra Mainyu has successfully possessed his vessel Sakura Matou. It's up to Rin, Shirou, and Rider to cleanse the grail or it will be the end of the wor...
7.09 161After taking down the baby-eater who was the root of Chang'an, swordsman Xiao Yao Sheng and rookie Jianghu now find themselves drawn into a deeper mystery. The lovely Demon Fox Girl, the Bone Elves, a...
5.89 515There are three tribes in a fictional universe named Yun Huang: Quan Xian, Kong Sang, and Cang Liu. A century ago, the Cang Liu launched a plot and took the empire that Kong Sang had built. Zhen Lan, ...
6.41 500After unexpectedly entering another world, Kurumi Tokisaki becomes fascinated by a particular white cat, only to part ways with it, much to her disappointment. Later, she encounters Hibiki Higoromo...
7.24 7.57 271