Since she was a young girl, Elaina has been captivated by the tales contained in her favorite book, especially those involving Nike, a renowned witch who undertook multiple epic journeys around the gl...
6.90 7.55 522A strange half-faced creature carried Yuusuke Yotsuya, Iu Shindo, and Kusue Hakozaki to perform his play while giving them quests to finish it within the allotted time. In addition, if at least one of...
6.50 6.49 582The existence of humanity was in danger fifty years ago when mysterious monsters known as the "Huge" suddenly emerged everywhere. Soldiers in the shape of adolescent girls known as "Lilies" use the ma...
6.20 6.46 657Historically, 72% of all fatalities in London have been attributed to dragons, mythological creatures that are largely unnoticed by the general populace. Unknown to the majority, some people have been...
6.70 7.12 630Elaina wants to pursue the same path as Niké, a witch who toured the globe since she finds her tales to be fascinating. She succeeds in passing the sorcery exam as the youngest apprentice witch thank...
6.90 7.55 475"Wave!! Surfing Yappe!!" is an anime series that centers around the sport of surfing. It follows the story of Masaki Hinaoka, a high school student who moves from a landlocked city to a coastal town. ...
6.80 5.99 398A young prodigious individual agrees to an unexpected proposition from an enigmatic woman who captures his heart when she rescues him from a near-fatal encounter. A young prodigy finds himself intr...
7.70 7.97 403Cory, Chrissy and Freddie are on the hunt for king-sized candy bars this Halloween. But are all the treats worth the trek to the spooky side of town? ...
6.05 232Rena Ryg, Rika Furude, Satoko Hj, Mion Sonozaki, and their twin sister Shion are among the classmates Keiichi Maebara makes friends with after relocating to the town of Hinamizawa in June 1983. The ye...
6.90 7.20 574New kid Keiichi Maebara is settling into his new home of peaceful Hinamizawa village. Making quick friends with the girls from his school, he’s arrived in time for the big festival of the year. But ...
6.90 7.20 582Several years have passed since the end of The Great War. As the radio tower in Leidenschaftlich continues to be built, telephones will soon become more relevant, leading to a decline in demand for "A...
8.30 8.88 336