Izumi Miyamura, a glum and seemingly nerdy lad with spectacles, is Kyoko Hori's classmate. Kyoko Hori is a bright and well-liked high school student. Hori is a domestic goddess who dresses casually an...

8.10 8.21 457

Ramune may not appear to be a qualified doctor at first appearance; he frequently acts clumsily and crudely. When his patients visit him, though, his true genius becomes apparent: he is able to identi...

6.70 7.16 530

A hostess at a nearby inn assigns Kohachi Inugami, a detective with expertise in the supernatural, to look into a series of occurrences involving rotting and dismembered cattle bodies that have starte...

7.30 7.41 513

Despite his noble title, Noir Stalgia is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Because of this, his fellow nobles oppress him and treat him like garbage. However, he possesses a rare yet powerful abi...

6.50 6.30 520

The story moves the "Wixoss" card game to the online virtual space of "Wixossland" as it continues to grow more popular. The game allows players to become the LRIG avatars themselves. The most popular...

5.90 5.60 470

The Akatsuki Special Ward, which is under siege by foreign groups, is a bloody battleground where its residents who are caught in the crossfire are abandoned. The Scard, vigilantes with extraordinary ...

6.00 5.86 576

The area of Ringarindo is encircled by a wall. This land is covered, safeguarded, farmed, and nourished by the wall. The foundation of this realm of Ringarindo is the wall, which is god. Back Arrow, a...

6.00 6.32 556

Noir Stalgia is at the bottom of the social scale despite his honorable status. His fellow nobility oppress him and treat him poorly as a result. He does, however, have a remarkable and uncommon capac...

6.50 6.30 471

Kimichia Haijima a wonderful setter is fired from his school’s volleyball team after an accident and is forced to move back to Fukui. There he reencounters with his childhood friend, Yuni Kurabo, a ...

5.70 6.15 1057

The top player from Japan in the online game Attack Families, also known as "Tackfam," is Fumiya Tomozaki. Despite having such a prestigious position, he struggles in his daily high school life due to...

7.00 7.14 631

A powerful space-time magic went awry and accidentally impacted a particular Japanese high school class on Earth, killing everyone in it, in a world where the conflict between Hero and Demon Lord repe...

7.20 7.45 448