Everyone has a dream they strive to achieve, and so does the musically talented Kanon Shibuya. However, due to her stage fright, Kanon fails to make it into Yuigaoka Girls' High School's music program...
534Kurumi Mirai is in the first year of high school. She has enrolled in junior high section of the Redrun Magic School, the world's only facility for mages that approved by International Mage League and...
5.78 6.65 490Not a lot of people know that one of the most talented and ruthless Mahjong players in the city is a young high school boy. Kei is a teenager of few words, but his observation skills, unwavering will ...
5.67 6.34 114College student Tokiwa gets invited to a mixer by his female classmate Suo. But when he arrives with his friends, they're greeted by three dazzlingly handsome men?! ...
187The story follows 13 girls from 765 Production Studio, each with the singular ambition of becoming the top idols in the Japanese entertainment industry. ...
175A strange hot spring resort has suddenly sprung up in Orario. Since it appeared, people visited there daily to relieve stress and daily. Of course, Bell and the other faces of the Hestia Familia were ...
6.54 7.90 21915th century Poland—a time when heretical ideas led those who possessed such a mindset to be burned at the stake for their beliefs. Rafał, a child prodigy, is expected to major in theology at unive...
6.78 7.69 103The Demon Lord continues his adventure in this revamped series! After encountering the mysterious entity in the lowest level of the Bastille Dungeon, he sets out for Hellion Territory, where Grand Dev...
6.45 5.93 103After facing a harsh rejection, Momo Ayase finds herself downcast until she stumbles upon a boy being bullied. Moved by a sudden urge to help, she intervenes, and the boy, who is fascinated by aliens,...
7.12 8.71 414When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to another world, he's not wild about adventuring, but he wouldn't mind having some cool powers. Unfortunately, he's last in line when the m...
382Meet Haru Tennouji, a charismatic communicator beloved by all, regardless of age or gender. He may come across as easygoing, but beneath that façade lies an unwavering ambition for success. When offe...
5.14 6.82 146