High school student Minami Aoba feels unremarkable and fears she'll graduate as nothing more than "Villager A." In her quest to discover her unique talent, she stumbles upon a golf driving range, wher...
192Set in a world devastated by otherworldly invaders, Momentary Lily follows the daily lives of high school girls as they navigate this harsh reality. Yuri Kawazu, Erika Koudaiji, Hinageshi Usuzumi, Ren...
268Hana lives on the small island of Tonakijima, with a population of 600, and loves reading to the island's children. Mizuki, the president of the school's broadcasting club, notices Hana's talent for e...
441I, Teruaki Nakamura, transferred to Okinawa and fell in love with a girl… but I can't understand her dialect. Thankfully, Higa-san is always helping me out with translations. A cross-cultural rom...
178For 15-year-old Uka Ishimori, middle school was a harrowing experience. Nicknamed "Rocky" for her tendency to freeze up around others, she faced constant bullying. Now in high school, she has a chance...
255During the Edo period, a shrine maiden known as "Itsukihime" resided in the mountain village of Kadono. Jinta, a young man who serves as her guardian despite being an outsider, confronts a mysterious ...
250Alina Clover signed up to be a receptionist at the Adventurers Guild, hoping it would be her gateway to an easy, comfortable life. However, her dream job quickly turns into an overtime nightmare whene...
203The second season of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun continues to delve into the supernatural adventures of Hanako-kun, the enigmatic spirit haunting the school's restroom, and his interactions with the livin...
255In the mountain village of Kadono during the Edo period, there lived a shrine maiden known as "Itsukihime." Jinta, a stranger serving as her guardian, encounters a mysterious demon in the forest, who ...
837Acclaimed director Paula Persimmon teams up with an overly confident daydream director to create the next big tween-dream hit for Riley at Dream Productions. ...
7.60 20Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds from beloved gami...
7.40 21