This anime centers on Setsuna Mudo, a confused high school student who is in love with his 15-year-old sister Sara. He discovers that he is the reincarnation of Organic Angel Alexiel while dealing wi...
6.40 6.28 61812-year-old working-class boy Naota Nandaba lives with his grandfather and widowed father. His routine in the city of Mabase is disturbed when Haruko Haruhara, a crazy on a Vespa, shows up. She runs o...
8.10 8.03 553The story, which is set in a retro-future setting, centers on Mayuko, a recent high school graduate who attends cram school to get ready for college. But since she had nowhere to dwell, she made the d...
7.10 6.85 469Three police officers are killed. Ran witnesses the murderer kill her best friend, leading to her memory loss. Now, Conan and Inspector Megure are working to identify the killer. ...
7.50 7.40 156The narrative centers on Yugi Muto, a little kid who solved the Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian relic, and as a result received an alter-ego soul. After defeating Seto Kaiba in a game of Duel M...
8.30 7.47 909Jinto and Lafiel were traveling across the Hyde System's planar space aboard the light-armed transport ship "Bokbrusue." This was for Jinto to formally rule as an Earl over the Hyde System, which was ...
7.20 7.68 621The ups and downs, happiness and sadness of first love and teenage romance are the main topics of the anime. Finding the ideal partner is difficult for six students because of their teenage limitation...
6.10 6.46 479Sakura sets out towards the capital with the hope of following in her father's footsteps by defending the city from the demonic forces of the Black Sanctum Council. The Imperial Flower Division's cove...
7.30 6.85 449Two Ghibli created shorts about the happenings in a fictional animation studio, presumably based to some extent on their own. ...
6.55 6.37 428The plot centers on the lives of two young men whose paths cross during the political unrest and social unrest in Japan in the late 1800s. While Manjiro Ibuya is a samurai who is a steadfast defender ...
8.00 7.05 524