Ippo Makunouchi, a quiet high school student who was often assisting his mother in managing their family's fishing charter business, struggled to establish friends. Because he was reclusive, a gang of...
8.80 8.75 587Shuichi Shindou, an aspiring musician, and his band, Bad Luck, are central to the narrative (formed with his best friend Hiroshi Nakano, who is on guitar). Shuichi aspires to succeed Ryuichi Sakuma, t...
7.10 6.95 407One day, six different colored lights soared away from the scene of a shiny object that had landed from space and caught fire. A young woman with blue hair was stumbling along the beach on the other s...
7.10 7.16 699Life is filled with paperwork and crime even after death. Tsuzuki Asato, a 26-year-old dorky and cheerful shinigami (god of death), is in charge of making sure that the dead stay dead and remain in th...
7.20 7.04 563The future is where Buzz Lightyear of Star Command takes place. The Galactic Alliance, a peaceful union of different planets that is home to many alien races that coexist peacefully, is led by Capital...
6.60 406Set in New York City, the story follows the best friends Corduroy, a teddy bear with a childlike personality, and Lisa, a Jamaican-American schoolgirl. Lisa lives in a large, unnamed city with her mot...
7.80 325Galan is a hyperactive Russian nerd who would sacrifice everything to become a true, functioning samurai. Strange things start to happen, and even odd people start to attack, when his girlfriend Natsu...
6.00 6.21 515Virgil, a 14-year-old high school student, befriends Richie and has a crush on Frieda. He encounters a bully named F-Stop and is saved by a gang leader, Wade. Wade tries to recruit Virgil, but Virgil ...
7.30 183The show that focuses on Mimi Mortin, a clever, redheaded girl in the sixth grade who lives in the Canadian town of Starfish Bay with two friends, Elaine and Russell and her family, but rivaled with s...
7.00 6.30 132"Teacher's Pet" is about a boy named Leonard and his talking dog Spot, who wants to go to school to learn. So, to go to school Spot disguises himself as a boy named Scott and goes into grade 4. He the...
6.90 6.40 118Jackie Chan, an amateur archaeologist, discovers a magical artifact while working at his uncle's antique shop. This artifact, a shield containing one of twelve talismans, attracts the attention of his...