The Belcher family, which comprises of Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise, is the focus of the cartoon series. The family owns and operates Bob's Burgers on Ocean Avenue in an unknown seaside town (in...
8.20 8.40 883Nao, a junior in high school, has a brother complex that is so intense that it borders on incest. She is adamant about getting her brother Shuusuke, a high school student, to see her as a woman. She i...
6.00 6.09 502Third-year middle school student Aichi Sendou is a shy person who has always looked backwards rather than forward in life. But the only thing keeping him safe is a card named "Blaster Blade" that was ...
5.80 7.02 549After an incident that happened ten years ago, Yumeji Fujiwara, a young male student just like any other, developed the ability to perceive the aura of other people's dreams and to foretell the type o...
6.30 6.92 588A Japanese scientist develops the "Infinite Stratos" powered exoskeleton in the near future (IS). The IS poses a threat to global instability because it possesses technology and fighting abilities tha...
6.60 6.65 563A middle school student called Madoka Kaname and her best friend Sayaka Miki come across a little, cat-like creature by the name of Kyubey in the fictional Japanese city of Mitakihara. It proposes a d...
8.20 8.36 471Kaze Kawamo wo Suberu After living overseas for five years, Noriko is returning to Japan to see her parents. She is unsure of what to anticipate. Despite the fact that certain things in Kanazawa have...
7.60 7.37 530