"Bakugan Gundalian Invaders" is the third season of the "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" anime series. The story revolves around a war between two alien factions, Neathia and Gundalia, who are in conflict ov...
6.00 6.27 571"Beyblade: Metal Fury," also known as "Beyblade: Metal Fight 4D," is the third season of the "Beyblade: Metal Saga" anime series. In this installment, the story revolves around the Star Fragment, a me...
6.93 612Nichijou centers on the enthusiastic Yko Aioi, the bright and cheerful Mio Naganohara, the quiet and deadpan Mai Minakami, the anxious android Nano Shinonome, her young creator the Professor, and a ta...
8.30 8.46 490Nazi soldier Klaus Schmidt observes juvenile prisoner Erik Lehnherr bend a metal fence with his mind in the Auschwitz death camp in 1944 after being separated from his mother. Schmidt commands Erik to...
6.80 6.33 485Scaredy identifies his fears, shows how he avoids them at all costs, and develops contingency plans, which usually involve an emergency kit and playing dead till the threat has passed. Scaredy is inev...
6.10 6.10 108Linus's security blanket is threatened when his grandmother visits, pushing him to his limits. ...
7.02 282A group of girls, primarily Chinese schoolgirls, who are given magical abilities and talents and change into the mythical warriors known as the "Fairies of Balala" to battle unknown evil forces are th...
5.76 551That's exciting news! I'm a big fan of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in 3D. The addition of a new opening sequence is also a nice t...
7.46 7.73 305A heretic infant with golden eyes is transported into Heaven 500 years before the events of Saiyuki. The nephew of the Merciful Goddess Kanzeon Bosatsu, a lesser god by the name of Konzen, is reluctan...
7.70 7.80 478According to Weekly Shonen Jump, 3D movies of One Piece and Toriko were announced to premiere on March 19th, 2011. One Piece 3D is an original story about the missing straw hat of Luffy. ...
4.12 6.77 314