In "Unicorn: Warriors Eternal," a group of heroes known as Unicorn are unintentionally reawakened in the bodies of adolescents rather than the adult hosts they had previously possessed, and as a resul...
7.50 508The narrative revolves around a group of Younglings embarking on exciting adventures and commencing their quests to attain the esteemed rank of Jedi Knights. It follows the journey of Younglings as...
5.80 547The Han Dynasty's decline nearly 2,000 years ago gave rise to the Three Kingdoms period, characterized by the emergence of Wei, Shu, and Wu. This era is marked by a tapestry of heroic feats, shifting ...
8.80 6.64 769Situated at the edge of the world, the Kingdom of Ozmargo thrives with an array of diverse and formidable creatures, all subjected to the rule of an imposing, unnamed king. Following a century-long wa...
6.89 7.30 792It is based on the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This season follows two new characters instead of Ash Ketchum, including Roy, a young man from the Kanto region, and Liko, a young woman from the Paldea...
8.50 7.61 1357It's a showdown for the ages as the legendary hero takes on the corpse god necromancer, but when the dust settles, something isn't quite right... In the final moments of their epic confrontation, the ...
6.80 7.30 835After dying in modern Korea, Park Eunha is reborn as Raeliana McMillan, the eldest daughter of a newly wealthy baron. However, she soon realizes she’s living in a world that mirrors a book she once ...
7.40 7.49 556Once hailed as a virtuoso on the violin, Hajime's passion for music waned after his father, the acclaimed violinist Ryuuji Aono, faced a scandal that subjected his family to relentless media scrutiny....
800There was once a man who was summoned to another world, and saved it. Of course, he became too popular there, and turned into an isekai-normie. However, that man fell into a "trap" and was forcibly re...
5.81 780Set in a dystopic near future where otaku culture in Japan has been obliterated by a mysterious organization known as "SSC", Magical Girl Destroyers follows the misadventures of Otaku Hero - a young r...
6.48 975After a real-world accident, Asahi Ikusaba finds himself in a fantasy world, eager to enjoy his new surroundings. However, he soon discovers that his skills are incredibly weak. Just as a fierce monst...
7.30 6.01 594