The movies focusing on the Shadow Galactica arc will delve into the intense conflicts and challenges faced by the Sailor Guardians as they confront the enigmatic and powerful forces of the Shadow Gala...
7.42 7.58 274Hailey Banks is no ordinary teenager. Though naturally cautious, she's equipped with a knack for resourcefulness. Driven by an intricate list of daunting (and occasionally bizarre) tasks, she's convin...
7.40 727Sixth season of the series! The reclusive high school student Mo Fan has discovered himself in a world that is both similar to and far different from his own ordinary reality; it is a realm where m...
571A dangerous shadow organization launches a campaign of fear and violence in the city of Shinjuku, pushing society to the brink of chaos. As a young police officer tasked with restoring order, Ichika H...
386While making their way home from high school, Tamahi and a group of classmates unexpectedly witness a chilling incident—a person falling from the rooftop of a nearby apartment. Driven by concern, ...
677The story will center on the encounter between 10-year-old Sam Wing and Gizmo, a baby Mogwai. Sam and Gizmo embark on a treacherous journey across the Chinese countryside with a young street pickpocke...
7.80 572In this series, various mythical realms converge, resulting in a precarious fusion. A Spinjitzu Ninja Master is assigned the responsibility of mentoring a fresh group of heroes. Their primary objectiv...
7.60 610A live performance by IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ŹOOĻ , 4 groups with different charms, will meet in one place, and the grand live entertainment will begin!...
520On a rainy morning in Tokyo, Takao Akizuki, an aspiring shoemaker, decides to skip class to sketch designs in a beautiful garden. This is where he meets Yukari Yukino, a beautiful yet mysterious woman...
7.12 7.66 277In the future, thinking about a crime makes you guilty, and justice is dispensed from the barrel of a gun. Detectives work in teams made up of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers take out the bad guys...
7.06 540Set several years after the original Ultraman series, Shin Hayata has become a defense minister with no recollection of how he transformed into Ultraman to save the world from Kaijus. Matsushiro Ide, ...
6.80 448