A young boy,Timmy Turner, has two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, who grant his every wish, inadvertently causing problems that Timmy must fix. In the beginning of the series, Timmy's babysitter Vi...

6.90 6.60 152

The show follows the antics of the title characters, a human boy named Sanjay and his best friend, a talking snake named Craig. On a promotional webpage for the show, the network explains that Sanjay ...

7.90 7.90 119

A fantasy-action-adventure series which follows the adventures of Peter Pan, his best friend Tinkerbell, Wendy, her brothers John and Michael, and their dog Newfie in Neverland and beyond. The series...

6.00 6.70 122

Based on the promotional image, the series will contain the characters Green Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Skaar, and A-Bomb....

6.10 6.60 115

Hip and edge animation that welcomes to a world of magic and imagination. With a little patience, determination and a flick of their magic wands, anything is possible....

7.00 7.40 113

The world’s greatest feline fighter, lover and milk connoisseur is back in this original series filled with daring adventures, great boots, and laugh-out-loud fun! The entire family will be entrance...

7.10 7.60 128

Follows Jimmy Neutron, his faithful robotic dog, Goddard, and his eclectic friends and family as they experience life in Retroville. Jimmy is a typical kid, who just happens to be a genius. He creates...

6.70 7.60 137

Miles from Tomorrowland is a CGI-animated space adventure series set in the year of 2500. It centers on the Callisto family who live on a spaceship called the Stellosphere and work for the Tomorrowlan...

7.70 6.20 121

The show centers on Oggy, a blue cat, who would prefer to spend his days contentedly watching television and eating - if not for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named afte...

7.50 7.90 133

Capsule Monsters is set between the Grand Championship and Dawn of the Duel story-arcs of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, Capsule Monsters involves Yugi, Joey (Jonouchi), Téa (Anzu), Tristan (Honda), and Yugi'...

6.40 6.20 119

Five teenage girls, who call themselves Best Friends for Life, use magic to help in their everyday lives and to battle magical creatures, including evil gremlin Simon. The girls must find a way to ban...

6.80 7.30 73

The series revolves around the daily life of Henry Hugglemonster and his slightly chaotic but loving family, living in the suburban town of Roarsville. Everyone in Roarsville is a friendly, fun-loving...

6.00 6.50 95