**Plot Summary**: Golion, a powerful sentient robot, becomes notorious for his brutality against creatures known as the Deathblack Beastmen, declaring himself invincible. As punishment for his arrogan...

7.70 6.60 140

Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just relocated to the bustling city of Dimmadelphia due to her father's new job. For the first time, she's without her brother Antony, who has gone off to college, leaving...

6.70 223

Voltron: Defender of the Universe is an American animated television series that combines elements from two Japanese series: Beast King GoLion and Armored Fleet Dairugger XV. The show follows a group ...

7.50 7.20 112

Green Lantern: The Animated Series follows Hal Jordan, a Green Lantern tasked with protecting Sector 2814. He fights against the Red Lanterns, led by the vengeful Atrocitus, and the Manhunters. Hal's ...

7.50 6.30 123

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness follows Po's ongoing adventures as he trains to become a skilled warrior and protect the Valley of Peace. Now living with the Furious Five, Po faces new challenge...

7.80 7.50 120

George discovers a device called Replayola that allows him to change bad moments in his life. He uses it to improve his public speaking, become wealthy, and even run for president. However, when jealo...

6.10 6.80 115

The series follows the adventures of Bob, a Guardian tasked with protecting the computer system known as Mainframe from malicious viruses. He works alongside his companions Enzo and Dot Matrix. The sh...

7.70 6.70 101

Alex Mann, also known as Action Man, is an extreme athlete who participates in televised sporting events. He possesses hidden mental powers called the AMP Factor, which allow him to predict future pos...

7.60 6.80 104

The animated series "Looney Tunes Cartoons" premiered in 2001 and aired on The WB network. Set in the early 20th century, the series features characters and storylines inspired by the classic Looney T...

7.00 7.60 91

After the end of the War, Aang and Zuko united people from all four nations and established the United Republic, creating Republic City—a bustling metropolis fueled by steampunk-style technology lik...

7.70 6.80 123

At the start of the series, Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for a year. While he has saved lives and battled supervillains, he's still figuring out what it means to be a true superhero. Nick Fury fro...

6.50 6.20 118

The series centers on a young boy named Ray, who has the unique ability to form friendships with and battle alongside fantastical creatures from a parallel dimension. As evil forces seek to enslave th...

7.10 7.40 113