A young child named Rygamine Mikado yearns for the thrilling life of the big metropolis. He enrolls in a school in Ikebukuro at the invitation of his old friend Masaomi. Masaomi has forewarned him abo...

7.80 8.12 440

Ikebukuro has started to get back to normal six months after the Yellow Scarf War. High school is in session, Izaya is back to planning, and the police are still after Celty, the fabled headless rider...

7.70 7.99 648

The Diclonius is a mutated homo sapiens that reportedly has two horns on its head, a "sixth sense" that grants it telekinetic abilities, and is supposed to have been chosen by God to be the end of man...

8.00 7.50 562

Satoru Fujinuma discovers himself brought back before the catastrophe occurs just as tragedy is about to strike. The estranged 29-year-old manga artist has utilized the potent yet enigmatic phenomenon...

8.50 8.32 388

In a future in which humans and their android servants, the AutoReiv, live in a dome-shaped city called "Romdo," which has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust, there remains hope. It is a paradise ...

7.90 7.91 534

The Fourth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is described in Fate/Zero, which takes place ten years before the events of Fate/stay night. [4] The Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka families created the Holy Gra...

8.20 8.29 619

The majority of the series takes place at Tokyo, Japan's prestigious Ttsuki Culinary Academy (Ttsuki Sary Ryri Gakuen), where a selected group of students graduate each year. The majority of its stude...

8.20 8.18 1078

In the year 2030, many individuals have transformed into cyborgs with prosthetic bodies, as seen in the television series. The series centers on members of Public Security Section 9, a special operati...

8.50 8.43 533

In the year 2030, Nigashio City in Chiba Prefecture serves as the backdrop. A Western-style home that has long been assumed to be abandoned is the subject of an investigation by engineer Yun Arikawa o...

6.50 6.66 518

Irene "Rally" Vincent, who runs the titular "Gunsmith Cats" gun store at the age of 19, also works as a bounty hunter, which serves as the basis for many of the adventures. Her housemate and former se...

7.20 7.32 535