The narrative starts in Shizuoka in 1629, under the authority of Tokugawa Tadanaga. Despite the vehement protests of his vassals, the daimy organized a competition in which the competitors used actual...

7.70 7.38 418

The story takes place in a small, tranquil Japanese village called Sotoba during a particularly scorching summer in 1994. At the same time as a peculiar family comes into the long-vacant Kanemasa mans...

7.60 7.74 365

A scheme to open a gate between Earth and the world of Nemesis was put into motion in 1999 by Gigelf Liqueur with assistance from the Magician's Guild. The goal was to exchange Earth's contaminated ai...

6.70 6.78 489

Kyosuke Date, who was fatally wounded by his mother, comes back from the grave to discover that he has a twin sister named Runa and the capacity to mutate into the incredibly strong, potent, and dange...

6.10 6.35 349

Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a well-known detective and pianist, unexpectedly vanished without a trace about two years ago. The phrase "Blade Children," the only words Ayumu could make out i...

7.10 7.23 434

A Westalian agent with the codename "Twilight" is charged with spying on Donovan Desmond, the head of the National Unity Party within Ostania, in order to preserve the state of peace between the oppos...

8.60 8.74 856

Coal is the sole fuel available in Steam City, and the steam engine is the only way to generate electricity there. The steam engine has been the center of technical development because it is the only ...

6.40 6.62 476

A self-described "crazy scientist" by the name of Rintaro Okabe thinks that SERN, a global scientific organization, is planning to restructure the world to suit its own purposes. Together with his fri...

8.80 9.08 447

A self-described "crazy scientist" by the name of Rintaro Okabe thinks that SERN, a global scientific organization, is planning to restructure the world to suit its own purposes. Together with his fri...

8.40 8.52 462

Sword Art Online (SAO), a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game, was released in 2022. Players can experience and control their in-game avatars with the help of NerveGear, a h...

7.60 7.20 622

Before he realizes it, Kirito has plunged headfirst into a grand, fantastical virtual world. He just has a vague recall of what occurred just before he logged in, so he begins to saunter around lookin...

7.60 7.56 453

Before he realizes it, Kirito has plunged headfirst into a grand, fantastical virtual world. He just has a vague recall of what occurred just before he logged in, so he begins to saunter around lookin...

7.60 7.58 463