Hinako Mukaimizu is a spirited college student living in a vibrant coastal city, captivated by the thrill of surfing and the beauty of the ocean. Despite her passion for the sea, she hasn't given much...

7.54 7.61 225

As spring transitions into summer, Makoto Yuuki and the members of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES) find themselves in a battle not only against the Shadows but also against Stre...

7.54 7.61 244

As the fall season approaches its end, tensions rise within the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES). Chidori Yoshino, a member of the rival group Strega, has kidnapped Junpei Iori, addi...

7.34 7.60 229

Disguised as a boy, Chizuru Yukimura embarks on a brave journey to Kyoto, driven by the hope of finding her missing father, Koudou, a skilled medical doctor. The bustling capital, however, is fraught ...

7.44 7.60 310

In the turbulent landscape of 1273 A.D. Jerusalem, Bedivere finds himself amidst the chaos of warring factions, each vying for dominance over the ravaged land. Haunted by his past and driven by a desi...

7.41 7.59 257

In late 1990s Japan, a series of disturbingly similar suicides gripped the nation. The victims, all seemingly unrelated individuals, had chosen to end their lives by leaping from the Fujou building, a...

7.31 7.57 226

The story centers on a boy named Quon and a group of individuals who suddenly awaken to find they possess supernatural powers. As they navigate their new abilities, they grapple with the implications ...

7.42 7.57 275

For centuries, the god Celestin has been imprisoned on the moon for betraying the kingdom of Yggdrasil. After being freed by the fairy Morgan Le Fey, Celestin heads to Earth to find his former pupil, ...

7.39 7.54 215

At midnight, a hidden hour known as the Dark Hour emerges—an hour most people are oblivious to. Those who aren't trapped in coffins during this time, and who find themselves awake, face dangerous cr...

7.26 7.53 223

A prequel film to UN-GO that depicts the meeting between Shinjuurou and Inga....

7.23 7.53 240

The Fuuma ninja clan, a secret group, has awaited the resurrection of a giant snake, Orochi, for generations. Shirasu and his twin, Ichiu, grew up in this clan and eventually became its leaders....

7.34 7.51 192

Okko's Inn is a story about Oriko "Okko" Seki, a young girl who is forced to live at her grandmother's traditional hot springs inn after her parents tragically die in a car accident. Initially relu...

7.32 7.50 264