"Warau Salesman," also known as "The Laughing Salesman," is a manga and anime series created by Fujiko F. Fujio. It follows the story of Moguro Fukuzou, a mysterious and enigmatic salesman who offers ...

6.14 486

Makoto Okano changed schools to attend the one in his hometown. With his sister Hinata, a joking classmate named Tachibana Tsutomu, Kasumi Shikouin, Tsutomu's childhood pal, and other friends, he spen...

5.00 5.92 389

Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

6.15 354

Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unattainable idol for Honoka Takamiya, despite the fact that they rode the same bus to school every day and were seated n...

6.70 7.01 476

DVD OVA of Witch Craft Works bundled with the eighth manga volume....

6.79 597

Robin Sena is a skilled craftsperson who was accepted into the STNJ, a team of trained hunters who take on dangerous creatures known as Witches. Despite having enormous firepower, she still has a lot ...

7.20 7.25 526

In the modern cultivation world, everywhere is law of the jungle, everyone feels insecure. After saving a cultivatior girl, the security guard Ma Yingxiong accidentally starts the journey of practicin...

6.47 525

Mikado City is besieged by mysterious entities known as "Neighbors," evil monsters resistant to conventional weapons, when a gate to another realm unexpectedly opens on Earth. A group called the Borde...

7.50 7.98 412

Ten thousand years ago, the immortal king Muyun was conspired by others for holding the Zhu Xiantu. After ten thousand years of sleep, his remnant soul awakened on the famous "Trash Muyun" of the Sout...

8.30 7.07 1391

"Fog Hill of Five Elements" (also known as "Wu Shan Wu Xing") is a Chinese animated series. It has gained attention for its stunning animation quality and unique art style, which differs from many mai...

8.30 677

The story of Twisted Wonderland follows a custom-named protagonist who must find their way home after stepping into the magical school of Night Raven College from a magic mirror....


In the bustling tapestry of college life, Keitarou Gentouga stands out as an enigma. His inherent ability to magnetize spirits, a gift he loathes, makes his life anything but ordinary. A fateful encou...

7.60 7.45 756