"Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!" follows the story of a high school girl named Hoshino Miyako, who develops a strong admiration and adoration for her sister's friend, Hoshikawa Hana. With Hana's arriv...

6.27 486

Tensions in the country of Wellber, which was barely able to maintain peace because conflict with its neighboring country, Sangatras, could break out at any time, were rising ten years after the Great...

5.80 6.70 412

Bong Gi once harbored ambitions to succeed in life. But all of that feels like a long time ago today. He has developed bad habits, lost his job, and is now utterly unlovable. In the actual world, peop...

7.50 6.33 892

Can a romance between an idol singer and a normal college student last? The White Album aims to provide an answer to that query. Touya Fujii is a typical college student with typical concerns, such as...

5.60 6.64 393

White Album 2 is an anime series based on the visual novel of the same name. It serves as a standalone story and is not directly related to the original "White Album" series. The anime follows a compl...

7.30 7.62 336

Makoto Okano changed schools to attend the one in his hometown. With his sister Hinata, a joking classmate named Tachibana Tsutomu, Kasumi Shikouin, Tsutomu's childhood pal, and other friends, he spen...

5.00 5.92 389

Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named Makoto Okano, who returns to his hometown of Kazune after...

6.15 354

The special episodes of the anime with the same name. Wind: A Breath of Heart is an anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. It follows the story of a young high school student named ...

6.14 356

This is the mature Dejiko's wonderful and bitter love story. On Christmas Day, the narrative starts. Dejiko, also known as Di Gi Carat, works part-time at a bakery. She meets Senba Taokuo, a young man...

6.56 386

Joon-sang (Bae Yong-joon), the son of a well-known musician, moves to Chuncheon, a rural South Korean city, at the start of the narrative. Joon-sang is recognized by both his professors and his peers ...

6.50 7.29 447

In the modern cultivation world, everywhere is law of the jungle, everyone feels insecure. After saving a cultivatior girl, the security guard Ma Yingxiong accidentally starts the journey of practicin...

6.47 526

Jiang Xiaobai lost all of his memories ten years ago as a result of a terrifying occurrence he can no longer recall. He is eager to start a new chapter in his life because in two days, after completin...

6.75 612